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Photo Credit: Jessica Gunn

Mum. Writer. Over Thinker

Hello, and welcome.   

I’m the mother of too wonderful children. One of whom happens to be an extremely fussy eater. I want you to know that while loving them is easy, parenting them has been HARD. 

I’m not unique in having my delusions of parenting greatness squashed beyond all recognition by the event of actually becoming a parent. I was going to be the perfect parent. Everyone was going to look at me and nod and smile and say, “yep, there’s a mum who’s doing it right!”

Yeah. No. That’s not what happened.

There’s definitely something very, VERY humbling about having a child who screams and runs away from basically every food know to man. 

It was isolating, too. I’d like you to know that I was looking for answers to this conundrum pre-broadband internet. There might as well have been dinosaurs roaming through my lounge room. There was next to no information about this level of fussy eating. When I finally started to find some answers it felt wrong to keep them to myself.

Even though I wasn’t a writer and even though I’m not an expert on anything other than being my children’s mother. It felt desperately important to tell our story so that other people going through a similar experience wouldn’t feel so wretchedly alone. 

Hence, “Attack of the Killer Banana”, and my birth as a writer. I’m not sure if I have other stories to tell, but right now I’m just happy to have told this one and to quietly spread the word that if you are parenting an extremely fussy eater it not your fault and there is help, when you know where to look for it.

Here are some other things you may or may not like to know about me. 

  • I grew up in a small farming community in country Queensland (Monogorilby, to be specific) on a cattle property owned and run by my parents.

  • I met my husband in Brisbane before moving with him to Gin Gin where we got married in our back yard, serenaded by a small herd of the neighbour’s cows.

  • I started two separate bachelor degrees and a Certificate III (not at the same time) and finished none of them. Go me!!

  • I’ve recently started to learn piano.

  • I am a friendly introvert, who becomes more extroverted with people who make me feel safe.

  • I work part time as an office admin.

  • I have Generalised Anxiety Disorder.

  • I say that my son is an extremely fussy eater but he probably has ARFID.

  • I worry about his future and hope that people will be kind to him when I’m not there to help him advocate for himself.

  • I’d rather be comfortable than fashionable, I’d rather be kind than right. I like real people, with real stories.

  • I'd love to hear your story. What motivated you to visit my website? If you’re interested in reaching out I’m just an email away.

Email me here